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Are you hungry?
I mean, are you really, really hungry?
If so, you might be an avid reader. Let me be clear on one thing first — we’re talking about a metaphysical hunger, not physical. For you it can never be physical. I gotta give you truth. As an avid reader you’ve likely got a metabolic rate hovering somewhere below the number of items on a sloths daily to do list. As an avid reader, if your metabolic rate were any lower you’d need CPR just to wake yourself up enough to get a good night’s rest. Your metabolism is so slow that a cup of thin tea could sustain you for a week.
So a reader’s hunger is a more internal, and in some ways perhaps even more undeniable one. In that case, what was I supposed to do? With all of those people out there famished for ideas and stories, I had to act. I’ve written 15+ books, only a few of which have been released. But that’s not enough, is it? No, avid readers gotta read — so I have to make my books discoverable. I’ve got to get reviews. I’ve got to get readers recommending my books to their friends. I’ve got to share these stories with the world if I am to help these famished readers.
Oh, the pressure.
I just felt my metabolism crackle to almost a limp sputter. That’s okay, if I just lie still for a bit that will go away. So we can help each other. I’ll keep releasing my work if you go out of your way to help your friends discover it. I’ve made covers. I’ve built a website. Readers gotta read.
Heck, I’m even writing this very meandering blog article, all so we can get you, and everyone else fed. Hey, if not for yourself at least think of the children in Saskatchewan